#236 :
23 :
2025-02-14 03:39:34
Barry gazed blearily up at Vanessa from his sickbed, wheezing with every breath. It had been a good month together. But now, under the bright florescent lights of the hospital with his wife by his side, Barry was dying. He'd achieved so much, and yet so little.
"Barry, darling, how are you holding up?" Vanessa murmurs, stroking his cheek with her pinky.
She always was so kind, offering affection and kind words in his most trying times. So he always tried to give back. When she was tired af...
Barry gazed blearily up at Vanessa from his sickbed, wheezing with every breath. It had been a good month together. But now, under the bright florescent lights of the hospital with his wife by his side, Barry was dying. He'd achieved so much, and yet so little.
"Barry, darling, how are you holding up?" Vanessa murmurs, stroking his cheek with her pinky.
She always was so kind, offering affection and kind words in his most trying times. So he always tried to give back. When she was tired after a long day's work Barry would make her a cup of tea, though it took him quite a while, and offer to rub his fuzz over her skin. Always so soft, just for her. Just for his love. For Vanessa.
"I..." Barry rasped, coughing as his throat prickled from disuse, "Vanessa, I know this isn't what you want to hear... but we both know I'm dying."
Tears stung the corners of the human's eyes, welling and spilling in thick droplets. It reminded Barry of honey. Of simpler times.
That beautiful ringing voice caught in her throat, hitching as she spoke, "Don't talk like that Barry. I can't lose you. I..."
A sob broke past her lips.
"I want to stay with you---I want us to be together," she inhaled shakily, pausing and laying her head down beside her fuzzy husband, "What I want, more than anything, is for us to be together forever."
The admission sent flutters all about in Barry's stomach. Vanessa was so dedicated to their marriage, to their relationship, to him. How could he do anything more than to give her what she wanted? Barry would do anything for her.
He knew exactly what he could do to fulfill her wish.
So, with a deep heave of breath, he pushed himself to sit up, rubbing at his eyes to try and clear his vision.
"Listen to me, love," Barry started, nuzzling into Vanessa's finger as he spoke, "There are only two things I want to do with the rest of my life, and both are for you."