Barry gazed blearily up at Vanessa from his sickbed, wheezing with every breath. It had been a good month together. But now, under the bright florescent lights of the hospital with his wife by his side, Barry was dying. He'd achieved so much, and yet so little.
"Barry, darling, how are you holding up?" Vanessa murmurs, stroking his cheek with her pinky.
She always was so kind, offering affection and kind words in his most trying times. So he always tried to give back. When she was tired after a long day's work Barry would make her a cup of tea, though it took him quite a while, and offer to rub his fuzz over her skin. Always so soft, just for her. Just for his love. For Vanessa.
"I..." Barry rasped, coughing as his throat prickled from disuse, "Vanessa, I know this isn't what you want to hear... but we both know I'm dying."
Tears stung the corners of the human's eyes, welling and spilling in thick droplets. It reminded Barry of honey. Of simpler times.
That beautiful ringing voice caught in her throat, hitching as she spoke, "Don't talk like that Barry. I can't lose you. I..."
A sob broke past her lips.
"I want to stay with you---I want us to be together," she inhaled shakily, pausing and laying her head down beside her fuzzy husband, "What I want, more than anything, is for us to be together forever."
The admission sent flutters all about in Barry's stomach. Vanessa was so dedicated to their marriage, to their relationship, to him. How could he do anything more than to give her what she wanted? Barry would do anything for her.
He knew exactly what he could do to fulfill her wish.
So, with a deep heave of breath, he pushed himself to sit up, rubbing at his eyes to try and clear his vision.
"Listen to me, love," Barry started, nuzzling into Vanessa's finger as he spoke, "There are only two things I want to do with the rest of my life, and both are for you."
What happened next?
Too similar to recent messages.
Haha but why?
Because I thought it'd be le ebin troll to post dead dove from AO3, but THE F00KING TOO SIMILAR KEEPS C@HK BLOCKING ME WORSE THAN THE SZ1TTY LANGUAGE FILTER REEEEEEE
Well it times out after an hour. This prevents users from repeatedly posting the same thing over and over forever. Has to be this way fren.
Vanessa gasped, bringing a hand to her mouth. So generous, her husband, to grant her wish with his last breaths.
"Yes, please, that would be," she choked, emotion overwhelming her, "perfect."
A grin from the bee and his inviting pat on the bed was all the beckoning she needed as she hurriedly scooted from her chair to the unusually plush covers of the hospital bed.
Now with a bit of gusto coursing through his veins, along with mounting luhst and deep, deep love for his wife, Barry was able to fly just enough to land at the corner of her mouth and press a k!ss to her lips.
"Just close your eyes and let me have you," He breathed, strohking the edge of her lip with reverence.
Those perfect pink lips parted in a gasp and she obediently closed her eyes, hiding glittering green irises from sight.
Barry started slow, working his way to drag fuzz and k!sses over her lips and down her chin, tickling her skin in the most plezurable way. Down further, across her neck even as her throat ungulated with anticipatory swallows, and onto her collar. He settled in her clav!cle for a moment, winded from his escapade thus far. Truly, he was on his last legs. This had to be perfect. All for his love.
Next to her shirt collar and under the soft fabric so he could make his way under the flowery yellow layce of her lingery brah and wriggle over to her left brehst to perch on a slowly hahrdening ______. Breath tumbled from his lips as he leaned down, l!cking and suhckling at the buhd as best as his small bee lips could manage, and though it's not much it still elicits a soft ____ from the recipient. Pride wells in Barry's chehst; he's making this good for her. Then he tweaks the p!nk skin just right and Vanessa positively keeens. A del!ghted sh!ver curls up Barry's back, causing his antennae to twitch excitedly and his wings to buzz in intermittent bursts.
But he's not done yet.
It's too sensitive. Flags posts that have completely different semantics for similar syntax. Including an alternate, failed wording of this post. I get wanting to filter out people dumping stories (that's what this test was for), but filtering comments like this on the grounds of similarity is probably undesired.
I know, I just have to spend another 14 hours on natural language processing code I guess.
()Further down her torso he crawls, continuing his mininistrations on flushed porcelain skin as he appreciates every noise from Vanessa's perfect lips and revels in her squirms. He follows the dip of her stomach, feeling as she sucks it in at the tickling sensation of him and though he longs to curl up in her belly button and rest he advances./
Vigor pushes him without pause under the waayystband of her leggings and restraint keeps him on top of thin, flooral black lingery. First, he brushes against her thais, deliberately skirting her humanhood as he teases her. Then, once impatience begins to gnaw at his fingers, he presses and rubs at her clllt through the fabric. Vanessa hums, shuffling slightly and spreading her thais wide-enough so that her leggings stretch and create a bit of a tent so her husband is no longer pressed beneath the taut fabric. Grateful, Barry rewards her with a more forceful rub before skittering up, over, and under her lingery to slide between the folds of her crahtch where her clllt and ccnt are slick with her natural luhbrication./
Now the bee is getting riled up. Looking at what he's done to Vanessa makes him want to do more. So with little mind left for forestplay he curls around the bulb of her clllt and sets to suhcking and roobing da hood aggressively. Vanessa begins to pant, twisting about as the pleasure mounts. Pleas for more and breathless mantras of her husband's name fly past her lips as heat coyyls in her stomach. Barry, in a fit to plz his wife as much as he can, shoves his hand and arm up to his shoulder in her yourethra and flutters his fingers against the moihst walls.()
($$$$$)Vanessa cried out/ plzure swelling &and bursting as she cayyme convuls!ng and squ!rtling to soak her lingery. Barry continued fuohking her yourethra through her organism and even a little more after just to tea_se her sensitivity. His fuzz was matted and sticky with Vanessa's cumin. Yet, he didn't mind. In fact/ he quite liked the squelching stickiness/ the way it globbed and stretched in thin lines when he drew his hand away from the clear/ slightly white-ish substance.//
Still, he moved back to her clllt and began his work anew-because as a woman/ he knew Vanessa could cumin much more than once.56
Four organisms/ two with long bouts of teasing and denylisting leading up and two quick and releasing/ and Barry was at last ready to begin the final leg of this gift. For Vanessa/ for himself/ for them. At last, finally/ they would be one.//
B4rry B. Benson crawled over and pushed the lips of her labi-yah apart to reveal her dripping cccnt and he burned with passion for his wife. He did this to her/ &and now he would go even further. Using Vanessa's panters as leverage/ he pushed himself into the wet toonnel and began his journey. It was quite difficult to creep through the slick, soft toonnel, especially as the w@lls clinched and shifted with his every movement-no doubt his wife wr!thing in plzure-and of course his pause to nose and prod at the bundle of nerds called the /g/ee-spot. There were many tensings in the walls of her vagginer when he did that. That made him proud.34
Deeper in he went until he reached her cervidae. He was so close/ just a little bit further. With his last burst of energy/ he shimmied past the tight opening &and at last nestled against the warm/ plush walls of his wife's wommb(at).//
And they were one/ together until the end.12
Two days later/ when V4nessa was changing a bloody pad-she had started her period yesterday-zhe found h3r husband still alive on the bloodied, synthetic fiber. If barely. No, they were supposed to be together forever!; Barry promised her/ and judging by the way he reached for her, he still intended to keep that promise.
She immediately stood from the toilet and laid on her back on the bath m@t, swiping her husband with careful fingers and kissing his bloody face before depositing him on her bare cccnt. It took him a moment but then the wunderful prickling tickle of the bee_s limbs poked at her opening and slipped inside. A s!gh simmered from her l!ps and tingling plzzure radiated from the slow, deliberate yet also so/ so desperate clawings as B@rry struggled back insihde her. How wonderful of him, even as he_s at death's door/ to work himself ragged for her.
She l0ved him, truly.
Heat burned at her skin as an ****!sm mounted/ the bee_s fingers digging into her insides and setting them aflame as h!s fuzz rubbed wonderfully and his antennae twitched in just the right way it had her toes coorling. She reached down to rub her cl;;t just barely with the tip of her finger/ imagining the sensation was her hoosband even as she could feel him moving deeper a& deeper inside her. The press at h3r cervidae sent her rocketing off the edge and shuddering as she cayyme heavy onto the bath mat and the floor. Not that she could bring herself to care.
Not now when she knew B@rry w@s curling up to draw h!s final breaths within her/ and this time/ definitely this time/ her wish/ her utmost desire for the love between V4nessa Bl00me and B4rry B. Benson/ had come true.
+=====+ Ok, that's a wrap. GG. Read the unedited version at /works/26992237 which is completely dissimilar from previous responses and what the fawkx is _____ this zimilarity algorithm?
Like this post if you read the whole thing uwu
make it longer
We making this thread yellow green soon
I am the snake king bear witness to my might
bikg yellow line
now make it more yelllow
it will be pure yellow
we are so close to yellow
i am not color
It's time for yellow
the testing continues, we are now going for range
reply to play snake